New functionalities for Open Cyber Situational Awareness Machine (OpenCSAM)

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OPEN Tender procedure

Service contract - max budget of €100.000,00

The objective of the 'Open Cybersecurity Situation Awareness Machine' is to optimize the production of cybersecurity situation awareness reports, by applying Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques for the automatic classification and generation of documents.

The OpenCSAM prototype developed in 2018 was the first step towards the development of a tool that will produce situation awareness reports to provide readers with an informed view of cybersecurity events over a certain timeframe. The prototype output draws parallels between info related to such events, leveraged from online sources, against background research previously conducted by ENISA and its stakeholders.

The current implemented sources of info are; approx 300 ENISA publications (PDF) embedded inside the tool, as well as websources such as Websites, RSS feeds and Twitter accounts. Its main components are: Back-end: Nginx, ElasticSearch, Jenkins Front-end: Kibana, Covallent, Single Page Application-SPA).

The tender documentation is officially available via the TED 'eTendering' platform which gives exclusive access to the eSubmission portal for submitting your offer - please use this link:

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Offers to be sent electronically using 'e-Submission' ONLY.

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